Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
حتى لا ننسى ، وحتى نميز جيدا بين من يتمسك بأفكاره رغم كل الصعاب والتحديات ، وبين من يخلعها عندما تشتد عليه الرياح .. لست فى معرض توجيه اهانة لأحد ... ولكن الحق يعرف بأصحابه !ه
شاكر النابلسي - سيّد القمني: بئس المفكر الجبان أنت!
By: Kareem Amer
شاكر النابلسي - سيّد القمني: بئس المفكر الجبان أنت!
By: Kareem Amer
Saturday, November 12, 2011
"ندور فى حلقة مفرغة ثم نعود الى نقطة البداية مرة أخرى :
إقصاء + تخلف + ظلم + جهل + خرافات + ردة حضارية = إسلام .
معادلة توصلت إليها كثيرا ، ولن أشكك فيها مرة أخرى !"
كريم عامر: حوار مبتور وشيخ أحمق .. ومواجهة وهمية
By: Kareem Amer
إقصاء + تخلف + ظلم + جهل + خرافات + ردة حضارية = إسلام .
معادلة توصلت إليها كثيرا ، ولن أشكك فيها مرة أخرى !"
كريم عامر: حوار مبتور وشيخ أحمق .. ومواجهة وهمية
By: Kareem Amer
Friday, November 11, 2011
الصورة في تشيلي The photo is in Chile |
كنت أجلس مع حبيبي في ميدان التحرير و أضع زراعي حول كتفه و طلب مني رجل بوقاحة أن أحرك ذراعي و قال لنا ماينفعش كده و الناس تعلق علينا و عندما لم أسمع كلامه و قلت له أنه ليس من حقه أن يطلب مني هذا الطلب، أتي بآخرين ليضربونا.
مرة أخري، كنت أجلس بجانب حبيبي نشاهد فيديو علي تليفونه و نستمع مع أصدقائنا إلي أغاني الثورة و كنت أرتدي فستان علي الركبة و تزمرت سيدة منقبة و طلب رجل منا أن نغير جلستنا، و كانوا يفتحون علينا الخيام التي نبات بها و يتعاركون معنا إذا لم نفصل بين الرجال و "الحريم" كما يسمون النساء.
مصر تحتاج إلي ثورة إجتماعية
مرة أخري، كنت أجلس بجانب حبيبي نشاهد فيديو علي تليفونه و نستمع مع أصدقائنا إلي أغاني الثورة و كنت أرتدي فستان علي الركبة و تزمرت سيدة منقبة و طلب رجل منا أن نغير جلستنا، و كانوا يفتحون علينا الخيام التي نبات بها و يتعاركون معنا إذا لم نفصل بين الرجال و "الحريم" كما يسمون النساء.
مصر تحتاج إلي ثورة إجتماعية
I was sitting with my boyfriend in Tahrir square and putting my arm around his shoulder. A man asked me rudely to move my arm and told us that we can't do that and people were saying bad comments about us and when I didn't obey him and told him that he can't ask me for that, he came with others to beat us.
Another time, I was sitting next to my boyfriend. We were watching a video on his phone and listening to revolution songs with our friends. I was wearing a knee length skirt. A niqabi woman mumped and a man asked us to change the way we were sitting, and they used to open the tents we sleep inside and fight with us if we didn't separate men and "Harem" as they call women.
Egypt needs a social revolution
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Discrimination Based on Nationality
A friend of mine received this message from a tourism company
"Dear Mr. Fady,
... Thank you so much for contacting us, we really appreciate it and hope that you are having a wonderful day.
We would love to have you on board the tour, but unfortunately I regret to let you know that due to tourism policy regulations, we can NOT have Egyptian nationals with a foreign group.
Groups coming from overseas are called "inbound tours" and they are NOT to be mixed up with "in country" tours.
I am so sorry sir that we won't be able to serve you on the group. It is really out of our hands as it is a tourism police regulation.
Take care and have a wonderful night"
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
عنصرية جنسية و تحرش Sexism and Sexual Harassment
أنا لم أرسل له أي صور |
أنا لم أرسل له أي صور |
المرأة ليست سلعة |
تعليقات علي صورة المرأة: مركز نصاب للقانون والمحاماه وحقوق الإنسان Expand Preview 15 hours ago · Like · Al- Ghawas yabnt l-3eba (Y) 7 hours ago · Like :تعليق علي صورة الرجل مركز نصاب للقانون والمحاماه وحقوق الإنسان يا استاذة عليا لماذا تنشرى صورك وانتى بالحمام يا استاذة عليا ممكن توضيح وايضا توضيح اخر لصورة ذلك الرجل هل تريدى ان تقولى صورتك العارية مثل ذلك الرجل الاسلام الذى تنبذية لانة ليس ليبرالى لا يعتبر صدر الرجل عورة وصورة الرجل الذى تحتذى بة ليست عيب او حرام لماذا ينتقدك البعض ولا ينتقد ذلك الرجل |
تلقائيا إزاي؟! بيتولد مكتوب عليه إسم والده؟ |
شكلك ليس ذنبا ... أنوثتك ليست ذنبا كيف تكون المرأة نائبة و رئيسة جمهورية في مجتمع أغلبيته لا تري فيها إلا أداة للجنس؟! |
Download photo to read comments |
Monday, November 7, 2011
تحذير: محتوي عنيف
واحد من فيديوز ذبح الحيوانات التي يسجلها و ينشرها المسلمون للتهنئة بعيد الأضحي
واحد من فيديوز ذبح الحيوانات التي يسجلها و ينشرها المسلمون للتهنئة بعيد الأضحي
A Message I Received Today:
Dear Aliaa
I would have to be lying if I said I did not envy you, I do I envy your courage societies like ours we are being controlled by fear. I once though I was brave enough to take a stand.. After years of oppression and complete submission I decided enough was enough I took off my veil and announced to my parents that I am an Atheist. I was locked up and tortured till I said that I believe again and once I became a so called "Muslim" Again they let me go and everything went back to normal. Well almost. If you've ever seen the movie V for Vendetta you will remember the scene where Evey loses fear. Where V tortures her until she becomes fearless that is how I feel now. I would rather die than live my entire life as a hypocrite. I really look forward to talking to you I respect and admire you even if our brainwashed society thinks that what we are doing is wrong societies never got anywhere but doom following the herd mentality , its people like us who stand up for woman's child and gay rights. As a little girl I prayed almost every day that I would never get my period and that I some how become a boy because of the sick society which views women as brain deficient
I would have to be lying if I said I did not envy you, I do I envy your courage societies like ours we are being controlled by fear. I once though I was brave enough to take a stand.. After years of oppression and complete submission I decided enough was enough I took off my veil and announced to my parents that I am an Atheist. I was locked up and tortured till I said that I believe again and once I became a so called "Muslim" Again they let me go and everything went back to normal. Well almost. If you've ever seen the movie V for Vendetta you will remember the scene where Evey loses fear. Where V tortures her until she becomes fearless that is how I feel now. I would rather die than live my entire life as a hypocrite. I really look forward to talking to you I respect and admire you even if our brainwashed society thinks that what we are doing is wrong societies never got anywhere but doom following the herd mentality , its people like us who stand up for woman's child and gay rights. As a little girl I prayed almost every day that I would never get my period and that I some how become a boy because of the sick society which views women as brain deficient
Sunday, November 6, 2011
حق الإنسان في ممارسة الجنس قبل الزواج
حق المرأة بفض غشاء بكارتها
حق المرأة بفض غشاء بكارتها
Group Description: If I were a woman, I would remove my virginity hymen with my own hand in revenge for every woman who was murdered for breaking her hymen. I would remove it for my independence and freedom. Women in my country won't take the freedoms they hope for if they didn't fight for their right to remove their hymens.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Scottish Naming Patterns
First daughter is named for the Mother's Mother.
Second daughter is named for the Father's Mother.
Third daughter is named for the Mother's Father's Mother.
Fourth daughter is named for the Father's Father's Mother.
Fifth daughter is named for the Mother's Mother's Mother.
Sixth daughter is named for the Father's Mother's Mother.
Seventh through tenth daughters are named for the Mother's Great-Grandmothers.
Tenth through fourteenth daughters for the Father's Great-Grandmothers.
First son is named for the Father's Father.
Second son is named for the Mother's Father.
Third son is named for the Father's Father's Father.
Fourth son is named for the Mother's Mother's Father.
Fifth son is named for the Father's Mother's Father.
Sixth son is named for the Mother's Father's Father.
Seventh through Tenth sons are named for the Father's Great-Grandfathers.
Tenth through Fourteenth sons for the Mother's Great-Grandfathers.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Types of Sexual Harassment
Catcalls, comments, facial expressions, indecent exposure, jokes, ogling, phone calls, rape/sexual assault, sexual invites, stalking or following and touching.
If you were walking with your boyfriend and cuddling or kissing him, they would stop you, but if groups of guys sexually harassed you, they would do nothing for them.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
إرتداء الحجاب تضامنا مع النساء
إذا كان الحجاب حرية شخصية و ليس رمزا للعبودية يرضونه للمرأة التي ينظرون لها كأداة جنسية و سلعة و عورة و لا يرضونه للرجال الذين إذا أرادوا إهانتهم قالوا "الرجالة لبسوا طرح"، فلن يهاجم دعاة تحجيب المرأة الرجال إذا إختاروا إرتداء الحجاب.
Location: Tahrir Square
إرتداء الحجاب تضامنا مع إناث القطط |
النساء تريد الحجاب للرجال
نطالب حق الرجال في ارتداء النقاب بتونس
Egypt: Men Should Wear the Veil!
Eco delle Grida: la primavera araba delle donne passa da Facebook
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