To whom humanity may concern
I've tried many times to escape my agonising pain. I've been betrayed so many times to the point that I've tried to take out my life twice. I've ran away from my family to another city so I could commit suicide at the sea away from everyone but my attempt went in vain when the criminal investigation department rescued me and treated me and returned me to my family without ever asking or investigating my reasons for my attempt. I live in a monstrous country where they lack humanity to a level that they look at us “women” as creatures that don’t know what’s in their best interest and look at us like “reporting machine” that can be easily controlled by a father, brother, husband, etc. My brother is a terrorist who deals with others by the use of weapons and power. He deprived me from my simplest basics like reading books, using phones, and watching television, all because what I normally see it as human basic life he views it as an evil port that must be shut from the house. He beats me horribly because of this.
I’m a very ambitious person. I hold bachelor degree and higher diploma. I also participated in a lot of volunteer work. I’ve also participated in various conferences and events. unfortunately my love for knowledge and work has been cut by my family when they decided to lock me up at home and deprive me from seeking a career. I loved someone once and he proposed to my family. They refused his proposal and threatened his life. They punished me too and I couldn’t find anyone by my side even my mother wasn’t on my side. When I tried to seek refuge with my father I only received the worst kind of words a daughter could ever her from a man she once thought he’s her hero. He shouted the worst and most offensive words and threatened me with a lot of horrible things if i didn’t listen to my brothers. I feel loneliness in this world and I’m suffering from a bad depression and subjugation because every day another religious clerk comes and reads verses to cure me from the supposed illness that I have and the awful magic that has been casted on me. I’ve tried calling marriage match-makers to find me someone that could marry me and subsequently seek refuge in another country that respect human rights but everyone that comes and ask for my hand gets rejected by my family. I’ve tried lawyers and organisations that deals with domestic violence but unfortunately the people working on these organisations and those lawyers also believe in magic and witchcraft and when my family tell them that I’m possessed and they know what’s best for me those people stop my case and don’t help me. Who could I seek when the whole culture is void of humanity.Do you know what’s like to be an atheist ? To not believe in an afterlife like others do? I’ve been an atheist since I was 6 years old. I’ve waited enough and I’ve waisted my years too. Its time to get away and escape from this horrible cult. I have a goal and a dream. I want to dedicate my life the same way Gandhi did. To reject violence and help the weak. I have strong ability to initiate things, help others, give the needed a sense of security. I’m fed up fighting and struggling in a place where the majority is fighting humanity. The whole world needs people who are willing to give and I’m willing to give myself to the world. I don’t care where I might be needed as long as I’m doing something in my life instead of this solitary confinement I’m in A country that doesn’t listen to my cries of helps is a country that doesn’t deserve to get anything from me. A family that lock and deprive her daughter from her basic rights is a family that don’t deserve to compromise for. I want to get away from this pitiful country and I desperately ask for your help. My only hopes is that you understand my situation by putting yourselves in my shoe, and get me out. Best regards
I've tried many times to escape my agonising pain. I've been betrayed so many times to the point that I've tried to take out my life twice. I've ran away from my family to another city so I could commit suicide at the sea away from everyone but my attempt went in vain when the criminal investigation department rescued me and treated me and returned me to my family without ever asking or investigating my reasons for my attempt. I live in a monstrous country where they lack humanity to a level that they look at us “women” as creatures that don’t know what’s in their best interest and look at us like “reporting machine” that can be easily controlled by a father, brother, husband, etc. My brother is a terrorist who deals with others by the use of weapons and power. He deprived me from my simplest basics like reading books, using phones, and watching television, all because what I normally see it as human basic life he views it as an evil port that must be shut from the house. He beats me horribly because of this.
I’m a very ambitious person. I hold bachelor degree and higher diploma. I also participated in a lot of volunteer work. I’ve also participated in various conferences and events. unfortunately my love for knowledge and work has been cut by my family when they decided to lock me up at home and deprive me from seeking a career. I loved someone once and he proposed to my family. They refused his proposal and threatened his life. They punished me too and I couldn’t find anyone by my side even my mother wasn’t on my side. When I tried to seek refuge with my father I only received the worst kind of words a daughter could ever her from a man she once thought he’s her hero. He shouted the worst and most offensive words and threatened me with a lot of horrible things if i didn’t listen to my brothers. I feel loneliness in this world and I’m suffering from a bad depression and subjugation because every day another religious clerk comes and reads verses to cure me from the supposed illness that I have and the awful magic that has been casted on me. I’ve tried calling marriage match-makers to find me someone that could marry me and subsequently seek refuge in another country that respect human rights but everyone that comes and ask for my hand gets rejected by my family. I’ve tried lawyers and organisations that deals with domestic violence but unfortunately the people working on these organisations and those lawyers also believe in magic and witchcraft and when my family tell them that I’m possessed and they know what’s best for me those people stop my case and don’t help me. Who could I seek when the whole culture is void of humanity.Do you know what’s like to be an atheist ? To not believe in an afterlife like others do? I’ve been an atheist since I was 6 years old. I’ve waited enough and I’ve waisted my years too. Its time to get away and escape from this horrible cult. I have a goal and a dream. I want to dedicate my life the same way Gandhi did. To reject violence and help the weak. I have strong ability to initiate things, help others, give the needed a sense of security. I’m fed up fighting and struggling in a place where the majority is fighting humanity. The whole world needs people who are willing to give and I’m willing to give myself to the world. I don’t care where I might be needed as long as I’m doing something in my life instead of this solitary confinement I’m in A country that doesn’t listen to my cries of helps is a country that doesn’t deserve to get anything from me. A family that lock and deprive her daughter from her basic rights is a family that don’t deserve to compromise for. I want to get away from this pitiful country and I desperately ask for your help. My only hopes is that you understand my situation by putting yourselves in my shoe, and get me out. Best regards
A tous ceux qui ont des valeurs humaines
'ai essayé par tous les moyens de sortir de cet enfer. J'ai sombré dans la dépression au point de faire 2 tentatives de suicides. Je suis adulte et je vis toujours chez mes parents. Un jour, j'ai quitté le domicile familial. Je suis allé dans une autre ville où j'ai fait une tentative de suicide au bord de la mer loin des regards. J'ai été soigné ensuite la police m'a ramené au domicile familiale sans vouloir savoir ce qui m'a mené au suicide (ce pays est trés sauvage!). Ils manquent de valeurs morales et humanitaires, méprisent la femme. Selon eux, la femme ne sait pas ce qu'elle veut, elle est comme une machine commandée par son représentant légal (Père, frère, mari..etc). J'ai un frère terroriste armé, il m'a privé de tous mes droits. Il m'a privé aussi de la télé, les livres..etc. Il m'a frappé sauvagement car je mène une vie normale qui, pour eux, est illicite selon les principes de l'islam, Comme regarder la télé (c'est le moindre exemple). Je suis très ambitieuse, je possède des diplomes supérieurs dans l'action humanitaire. Ils m'ont interdit de continuer mes études et de travailler et m'ont emprisonné entre 4 murs.
JJ'avais une relation avec quelqu'un, nous étions amoureux. Quand il est venu demander ma main, ils ont refusé. Ils l'ont menacé de mort et il m'ont puni (J'avais très mal et je n'ai trouvé personne pour me réconforter). Ma mère les soutient contre moi, et mon père est préoccupé par la vie. Lorsque j'ai essayé de discuter avec lui, il m'a blamé. Il m'a accusé d'être malade et qu'il va me punir si j'obéis pas à mes frères. Je me sens seule, je souffre d'une dépression sévère et de l'oppression. Chaque jour, un homme de religion vient lire quelques versets fichus de protection contre la sorcellerie et la hantise. J'ai contacté des médiateurs pour le mariage, afin de me marier avec quelqu'un et sortir de l'arabie saoudite, et demander ensuite l'asile d'un pays qui respecte les droits de l'homme, mais à chaque fois qu'un homme vienne demander ma main, ils refusent. J'ai essayé de demander de l'aide auprès des avocats et des associations qui s'intérèssent à la violence familiale. Malheureusement, ils ont contacté ma famille et ils m'ont déçu.
s m'emprisonner. Le pays qui n'écoute pas mes peines et ma tristesse est un pays qui ne mérite pas mes dons; Et la famillEn conséquence, ils ont cru ma famille quand elle leur a dit que je suis hantée et qu'ils savent ce qui est bon pour moi. Pourquoi tout le monde est dépourvu de valeurs humaines dans ce pays ! Savez vous ce que c'est qu'être athée ? C'est ne pas croire en une vie antérieure. Je suis athée depuis 6 ans. J'ai assez patienté et résisté. Ils ont pris tant d'années de ma vie. Il est temps de sauver ma peau et fuir de cet environnement violent et sauvage. Je suis ambitieuse et motivée, j'ai des valeurs humaines. Je voudrais dédier ma vie à combattre la violence et aider les plus démunis. J'ai une capacité à aider les autres, et une tendresse pour donner un sentiment de sécurité à ceux qui en ont besoin. J'en ai assez de résister et me battre dans un pays où la majorité combat les valeurs humaines. Le monde a besoin de dons, et moi je veux donner à ceux qui méritent le don. Je ne fais pas de différence entre les peuples, nous sommes tous égaux. Ce que je souhaite, c'est de voir mon entourage me soutenir dans mon projet de bénévolat et non p
ae qui me maltraite et me prive de mes droits est une famille qui ne mérite pas ma résistance. Je veux sortir de ce misérable pays. Aidez-moi SVP. Il est évident que chaque personne qui passe par des moments difficiles où elle se sent incapable de faire quoique ce soit demanderait de l'aide de quelqu'un. (Mettez-vous à ma place).